A cozy cabin that Holly's family used to stay in on vacation when she was young. It's isolated, safe in the middle of nowhere, and protected by traps - untouched by the disease and by outsiders until Samael's "cheribum" are ordered to scout the area for more resources. Holly stayed until they invaded.

Once upon a time, they tried to build bigger skyscrapers and city buildings in the town closest to Holly in an attempt at expansion. The apocalypse hit before they ever really had the chance. Now, all that's left is empty buildings and emptier streets, all raided for parts.

What was once the small town Holly's family visited is now no-man's-land. Two opposing teams of raiders both stopped to use the same place as shelter, and broke out into an ongoing battle there. Any original residents have either joined the raiders, fled, died, or are in hiding.

Possibly the most peaceful shelter in the area, this is a community of farmers living and working alongside each other and keeping their crops well-monitored for any signs of disease. Anyone is welcome to shelter and food as long as they lend a hand.

Surrounded by trees and the gutted remains of old buildings lies a school building that Samael transformed into the compound for his cult. The gym is a chapel, the football field was turned into a vegetable garden... and it's all guarded by a fence, mean dogs and meaner guns.

Far, far from Holly's cabin, past forests and rivers and other towns, lies a neighborhood with only a few residents. Raiders pass through and Samael's just around the corner, but the few people who live here usually manage by crafting and trading. Roxie has a few friends here.

A big, strange, and lovely house sits atop the hill at the end of the neighborhood, surrounded by gardens and stained in red. It's Roxie's home, and she's been haunting it her whole life. She's turned it into the apocalypse's castle, and she keeps secrets safe in the cellar.